
Are you looking for chiropractor in Woodstock, NY?  Choosing a health care provider is a big decision.  At Woodstock Chiropractic Center we believe that education is a big part of our patients success.  This article about chiropractic will give you some of the basic knowledge you need to understand what we can do for you, but this entire website is dedicated to helping you understand the full scope of what our team can do.  We hope you find this information helpful and as always please feel free to contact us with any questions that you have.The vast majority of the public equates chiropractic with back pain, but the circumstances under which the science was discovered actually had nothing to do with back pain whatsoever.  The first chiropractic adjustment was performed on a deaf man resulting in the restoration of his hearing.  DD Palmer believed that many conditions could be addressed by removing pressure from the nerve that was involved with the affected area, and he proceeded to make it his life’s work turning this belief into the science of chiropractic.  A science that devoted chiropractors continue to practice to the benefit of millions whom have regained control of their health.


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