
Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, diet and nutritional counseling to treat pain and a wide variety of chronic conditions.At Mission Valley Acupuncture we{ve been treating patients for a wide variety of conditions since 1991. After moving to our current location, we{ve been able to integrate our services with chiropractors and a massage therapist. We pride ourselves on our personal attention to our patients{ needs. Whether it{s acupuncture, herbs, chiropractic, massage, or some combination of therapies, we offer you our integrity and the highest quality of treatment. Toni Narins, L.Ac., the founder and director of Mission Valley Acupuncture, has worked with many cancer patients over the years, as well as women who wish to avoid hormone replacement therapy, due to a personal or family history of cancer. She has practiced mindfulness meditation for over 18 years, and maintains a daily yoga practice.


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