
 Hello, my name is Dominick Maniaci and I{ve been a licensed California health insurance broker for more than 12 years. Think of me as your “411” and your “911” for health insurance information and assistance. Do you want to save money on health insurance? "Get health insurance coverage for big things you can’t afford not little things you can afford."Think of health insurance like owning a car. You have collision insurance to handle unexpected accidents while you pay to maintain its operation - tires, brakes, and batteries. The better you take care of the car, the less you pay to maintain it.You can save on health insurance in the same way by getting coverage for big, unexpected health problems and paying for the little things on your own. That{s because with health insurance, you prepay for services through higher rates - whether you use them or not.But most importantly, focus on your bottom line: What is the most you can afford if the worst happens? Sure, those low monthly rates on high deductible health plans look tempting when you{re in a budget crunch, but what are you willing to risk if you suddenly have to pay them? Your house? Your car? Find the right balance between what you pay now and what you pay later. Click here for a free instant online quote. 


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