Daytona Beach Employment Lawyers -
Daytona Beach, Georgia, United States | Attorney (Legal Services)

Cobb Cole is a market leader in the areas of Administrative, Association (condominium, time-share, cooperative, homeowner and property owner), Business, Civil, Commercial Finance, Computer and Internet, Corporate, Education, Employment and Labor, Environmental, Estates, Trusts and Guardianship, Family and Marital, Franchise, Governmental, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Land Development, Media, Real Estate, Sunshine Law/Public Records, Tax, and Trial law. Focusing on its founder{s aim, the Firm encourages collaboration among attorneys, personal attention to client demands, the use of the newest technology, and excellence in each aspect of work product, in an effort to meet the needs of a variety of clients effectively.Based on the AV-Preeminent Ratings by Martindale-Hubbell, Cobb Cole recently earned a place among the “2012 Top Ranked Law Firms,” placing it at the top of its class in the areas of legal knowledge, analytical capabilities, judgment, communication ability, and legal experience.Cobb Cole continues to grow in size and expertise, now servicing clients locally, nationally and internationally. While the firm’s attorneys embrace important opportunities to help clients world-wide, they respect their roots to local residents and businesses by providing Daytona Beach and all of Central Florida with premier legal representation and ardent